My sister came to visit us. She swam 60 miles from a yacht and wanted me to swing back with her. It was nighttime and I knew of the dangers that lurked in the waters. The waters had sharks. I ran this by my mother and brother First to get their opinion, but they were not pleased. I wanted to do the swim. I was not afraid I was running down winding wooden stairs. I was running away from a situation where I was trapped, I was escaping, I get to the door that leads outside. It had windows around it so I can see it was night time The door has three locks and I struggle to open them quickly. I wanted to leave before Freddy Krueger noticed when I finally get outside I realized I left my cell phone inside when I tried to go back inside to get it. The door will not open it well dressed tall, Caucasian woman accompanied by the door and went inside, there was security talking into an earpiece inside by the door. He asked me if he knew that I was leaving. I said he knew he was going to ask him, but I told him that he was sleeping to wake him and let me grab my phone I went to a van I was parked outside. I started the car. The windows were blocked, but I could see a little bit of sunshine coming through. I didn’t drive very far when I stopped. I remember thinking that I should keep going to gain some distance before he realizes that I had left. I started to draw blood from my arm In the distance, I could hear him scream the word no that’s when I became scared and started to drive again
This dream suggests a desire for freedom and escape from a challenging or oppressive situation. The arrival of your sister symbolizes a sense of support and companionship in your journey for liberation. The swimming portion represents the courage and determination to face your fears and take risks, even though you are aware of the potential dangers ahead. The sharks symbolize the obstacles or threats that you fear encountering in your pursuit of freedom.
Consulting your mother and brother for their opinion reflects a need for validation or approval from loved ones regarding your decision to break free. Their disapproval may highlight their concern for your safety. The running down winding wooden stairs represents your urgency to escape the current situation and find a way out.
The locked door can represent feeling trapped or restricted in your life. Struggling to open the locks quickly suggests a desire for a quick resolution and freedom. Freddy Krueger's presence indicates a fear of something or someone menacing and dangerous that could hinder your escape.
Forgetting your cell phone inside the house symbolizes a potential loss of communication or connection with others during your pursuit of freedom. The well-dressed woman accompanying the door and the security guard talking into an earpiece represent the obstacles or barriers created by external forces that may try to prevent you from leaving. Your attempt to retrieve your phone reflects a desire to maintain contact with your previous life or support system.
Getting into the van and starting the car represents the initial steps towards freedom. The blocked windows signify the limitations or uncertainties ahead, while the little bit of sunshine represents hope and the potential for a brighter future.
Drawing blood from your arm suggests a willingness to sacrifice or endure pain to achieve freedom. The distant sound of Freddy Krueger screaming and your subsequent fear reflect the lingering fear or anxiety about the consequences of your escape.
Overall, this dream indicates a strong desire for liberation and the willingness to take risks to achieve it, even though you may face obstacles and fears along the way. It suggests a need to confront and overcome these challenges in order to live a more fulfilling and empowered life.